Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Disney Day 4: Universal Studios

So on my shutterfly site I have been chronicling our Disney trip that my family took back in May.  It's been a long time since I've journaled about our fiascoes fun, but I'm catching back up and we're going to talk about our last three days of Disney over the next couple of weeks.  So with no further ado...Disney Day 4 brought us Universal Studios.

This was a fun day, but it was not without its craziness.  Such as...Amy lost her ticket and had to buy a new one (which caused a fiasco and a 30-minute delay getting into the park)...I put down my camera case and in it was my video camera, charger, and my tickets for Universal Day 2 (needless to say I was going crazy - and D-man was extremely laid back about it: "don't worry about it; we'll ride this ride and then go see if we can find it"  to which I replied "I don't think so; go look for it NOW!"  and he did, and we found it)....yes, there were definitely some moments at this park that were crazy.

{why didn't anyone tell me that my shorts cullottes made me look like a homeschool mom??}

However, it was nice to be at a park that was not so crowded for the day (at Disney you were basically tripping over people everywhere you walked), and it had a little waterpark that the girls absolutely LOVED.  The waterpark was in a Curious George playland, and the girls loved that part of the day. 

We ended the day at Universal by dad treating us to dinner at Bubba Gumps.  It was delicious and the perfect way to end a really fun day.  Disney Day 4 was a great day!  (And if you wanna see the ENTIRE day of fun at Universal, you can click here.)  Happy Wednesday!

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