Monday, September 10, 2012

every girl should have a sister.

while i was busy boxing up kenzie & kylie's room at the old house, i put on a movie for kenzie & kk one night while kylie was spending the night away from home.  they were so sweet together that i had to grab my camera and get a few pictures.

these kids are two peas in a pod.  they are both quirky little things, and it is so funny to watch them together.

moments like these melt my heart.  i just love seeing my girls together.  it makes me believe that every girl should have a sister.  there's no one like a sister.  she'll be your best bud all your life {and if you're like me and have three, well, you'll have three best buds for life!}.  so thankful for my three sweet girls!!

happy monday :-)

1 comment:

  1. Gosh! Your girls are so beautiful and growing fast! This reminds me so much of Hannah and me. Mom has pictures of us doing things like watching movies together and playing games togehter. So great!!!


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