Monday, July 18, 2011

boo on getting big...

so yesterday was a momentous occasion...i mean, truly momentous.  yesterday at exactly 5:00 kylie left for her first camp - granted, it's a mini-camp, but it's camp nonetheless!!  she is just really too young for this...i can't take it...

{why is she so excited?  doesn't she know this is killing me?!}

 the camp has a "mystery" theme to it, and they do investigations and crime scene "stuff"...okay, can I just admit that I didn't really ask what they were going to be doing?  i know my sister k just had a heart attack at that statement...moving on, however, on saturday i figured it might be a good call to have some idea what was going on for the three days my child was going to be gone, so d-man drove up to the church and got a schedule of events for me...the camp includes such fun stuff as going to a waterpark one day, games out on the rec field, worship sessions, and a water carnival.  they also had a pizza party last night.  so fun!
 {here she is again, just inching towards the door, trying to get away from me...}

yesterday when we got home from church, i told kylie she was not allowed to leave until she took a nap.  can i just say she was WIRED???  so i stuck my head in her room a couple of minutes later and she was just laying on her bed (on top of her covers) staring up at the ceiling (doing the "tongue" thing she does that she gets from d-man).  i said, "kylie, go to sleep or else you're not going to get to go..."  she looked at me and said, "mom, i don't even know why you're trying this today...i'm not going to be able to sleep...i'm just soooo excited..."  so, yeah, she didn't really sleep, but she did lay on her bed for an hour and a half before she glad she gets this opportunity, but so sad that the time has already come for her to experience these fun times!!

{it was killing her to leave, too...she just hides it better than i do!}

1 comment:

  1. haha! this post made me laugh out loud! you are SO bad! i will totally not be this bad when my time comes…. maybe...


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