every day as soon as we get done with school, the girls rush to the back and get out all of their barbies, their barbie clothes, and their barbie houses...they spend HOURS playing barbies...
i love watching them, and hearing them play while i'm doing dinner or cleaning up the house. it reminds me so much of me and my sisters when we were growing up...
kylie's choice of clothes for her barbie does concern me a little...moving on, the older these two get the sweeter the bond becomes between them. they have so many hours in the day to play with one another...another reason why i love homeschooling them! sometimes i feel a little bad, though, because poor lilbit gets left out a lot...and i'll try to encourage the girls to play with her, and this is what i'll get...
and then lilbit will start to tear at barbie's arms or clothes, and she will get yelled at, and the girls will take barbie away. but at least they shared for .02 seconds...after howling in anger, lilbit will calm back down after promises of a poptart, as evidenced by the junk around her mouth...
and then she will cheer and congratulate herself for finishing her poptart...
i just love watching my girls play together. the other day when kylie was praying, she said, "and thank you, God, for my best friend, Kenzie." it was so sweet, and it made me smile...but i'm thinking we need one more sweet little girl to be lilbit's best friend; what do you think?
happy wednesday!
One more for Lilbit, I agree!