we just saved a couple of toilet paper rolls and went to work! we painted them...
...and when they were dry we glued on little googly eyes! then i cut some octopus legs {and as you can tell, i cut more than eight...oops!}. the girls personalized their octopi by painting their own little patterns, and i painted a cute little octopus for kk! it was lots of fun and they turned out pretty cute...
kk's octopus...
kylie's octopus...
kenzie's octopus...
the girls insisted we make a watery home for their octopi, so kenz decorated this plate and we put the octopi in their new home...
we finished off this fun water craft by watching one of our favorite movies, which has a very evil octopus...the little mermaid! {i do have to say it took the girls a while to realize who the evil octopus was...do you know who it is?}
it was a really fun craft, and the girls still have their little octopus friends!
i wish all of our homeschool subjects were this fun :-)
happy thursday!
You are so good at doing crafts with your girls. I need to get on the ball this summer and be more intentional with that. I told Katie we are already plotting out another trip to Memphis. Maybe we can stay longer this time and see you guys!