Thursday, June 7, 2012


today is mine & drew's 10 year anniversary...i can hardly believe it...TEN YEARS, people!  no more denying that i'm getting old ;)  in ten years, my man has given me so much...

*4 homes in 4 different cities
*5 cars {ha!, it's true, FIVE cars! wow}
*a whole new family {love you, murphys & hawkins!}
*my dream of being a mom - three times over!
*my dream of giving up my career and becoming a full-time mom
*a shoulder to cry on
*a listening ear
*spiritual encouragement
*a quick temper {of course that's his fault that i'm so quick tempered ;)}

i love this guy so much.  we have been through a lot of good times and, yes, a lot of bad.  i get so mad at him sometimes that i want to scream {and sometimes, unfortunately, i do}.   i have moments where i'm overcome by how blessed i am to have a guy like him.  we have been unsure of the future together.  we have been excited about life together.  we have been through sorrow together.  we have done a lot of LIFE together. i can't imagine life without my sweet husband.  he is the perfect match for me.

i love you, drew murphy, and can't wait to see what the next ten years are going to bring!!
happy 10!!


  1. aww. what a sweet picture of you 2. happy 10 years!!! we have ours coming up in december….& it sure does make me feel old just thinking about it! miss you!

  2. 10 years has flown by! Seems not so long ago we were watching old movies upstairs at marietta and both heartbroken. We have been blessed with so much! congratulations to you and Drew!


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