Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Is there anyone out there besides me who can admit that they need REST?  Not rest like the kind that you get when you try to lay down in your bed and clear your head from the day and sleep for like three hours before your three year old wakes you up for the first time of the night...I mean real rest, like for your soul.  I have been reminded over the last couple of days that there are so many people hurting around me.  Over the last month, I have talked to women who need rest that only comes from Jesus...these women are struggling over real issues...marriages in trouble, kids walking away from the faith, family members having life threatening procedures performed.  This morning as I was texting with a friend, God brought this verse to my mind and I shared it with her...and then I had to share it with you!...

I know I labor.  I try to "fix" the things that are not right (in my eyes) in my life.  I try to "fix" people and their problems.  I am "heavy laden" (that is interpreted, have heavy burdens) many, many days.  God reminded me today that it is not my responsibility to fix anything or anyone.  It is not even my responsibility to carry my burdens.  If I will just give it to Him, He will carry my burdens, and in exchange for my burdens, He will give me REST.  For my soul.  Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me!

Praying today that I will learn to apply that truth - to truly give my burdens over to Him, and not take them back.  And then to just REST and watch Him work out the things in my life for His glory!

Happy Wednesday!
*Sharing my What I Wore Wednesday post over on Southern Sister Style!*

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