Wednesday, August 31, 2011

School's In Session!

We started our school year on the 15th of this month, so at the end of next week we will have completed our first month of school.  That's crazy to even type that!  I was really a little intimidated this year, seeing as how it would be the first year of homeschooling two kids on two completely different levels.  However, so far it has been going pretty well {and I type that with all fear and trembling...I know that at any point in time it can start going downhill fast!}.  I had a lady stop me in church on Sunday and tell me that she checks my blogs with hopes of me putting info about what we do as far as school {scheduling, curriculum, subjects, etc}, and I realized that so far I haven't really done any blogging on homeschooling!  So for those of you who really don't care about what we do where homeschooling is concerned, you can just skip all these words and scroll down to check out our cute little picture from today's studies and check back in tomorrow or Friday!  For those of you who wanna know a little about what our days are looking like, I thought I'd share what our schedule generally is.

Before I delve into the issue of a schedule, let me first say that with Drew being a minister, our schedule has to be extremely flexible.  The older I get the more I'm appreciating the idea of a schedule, but we will NEVER be on a strict schedule.  That's just our family dynamic.  Let me give you a quick example:  Mondays are our most "normal" day, with Drew leaving at 7:30 and getting home around 5:30.  Tuesdays Drew leaves at 7:30 and doesn't get home till about 8:30 pm.  We try to go "school heavy" on Tuesdays!  Wednesdays are kinda crazy because we go to church on Wednesday nights, so everything is done keeping that in mind.  Thursdays are Drew's day off, so that throws a real crazy kink in the schedule!  Fridays tend to be another semi-normal day, just depending on what the night's plans may be.  So it's just kinda craziness in general, and we try to wrap a schedule around the craziness.  With that being said, here's what our days are typically looking like:

7:00am - I get up, read my Bible, get dressed
8:00am - the older K's are allowed to get out of bed, help get their breakfast, they get dressed, get teeth brushed, etc.  When they are done & while I'm waking up Lilbit & feeding her, they do daily chores {any laundry, room clean, beds made, Kylie cleans hall bathroom, etc}
9:00am - Girls' Devotional, Alphabet verse of the week, Pledge of allegiance, song of the week
9:30am - School starts!  

I usually start Kenzie on fun papers highlighting her letter of the week (I found a ton of awesome printables here) while I do my "teaching time" with Kylie.  This includes Phonics, Reading, and Spelling, and then every day I have detailed instructions written out for her to complete her seatwork.  Seatwork typically takes about an hour to an hour and a half.  During that time I give Lilbit a snack, put her down for a nap, and then I start on "teach time" with Kenzie.  We spend about an hour playing games/talking about phonics, writing, and numbers.  Then we head to the table to complete any paperwork she may have for the day.
12:30pm - Lunch time, TV time for the girls to unwind from school mode.  
1:00pm - back to school for Kylie to finish up writing & Arithmetic!  
1:30pm - nap time (typically about an hour and a half)

The rest of the day is totally unscheduled because of the craziness each day brings.  So that is what a typical homeschool day looks like!  Of course, in a couple of weeks we will be adding in Science & History, so that will be a little extra time, but for now, this is what our days look like. 

This week is a review of all five vowels, and Kenzie has found that she loooooves Indians, so in honor of Ms. I, today we made Indian headbands and watched Pocahontas when we got done with school.  Signing off this boring post with a picture of our Indian fun...

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